============================ rpmlint session starts ============================ rpmlint: 2.6.1 configuration: /opt/testing/lib64/python3.11/rpmlint/configdefaults.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/cron-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/dbus-services.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/device-files-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/licenses.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/opensuse.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/pam-modules.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/permissions-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/pie-executables.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/polkit-rules-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/scoring.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/security.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/sudoers-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/sysctl-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/systemd-tmpfiles.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/users-groups.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/world-writable-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/zypper-plugins.toml /etc/xdg/rpmlint/scoring-strict.override.toml checks: 41, packages: 8 cups.x86_64: E: zero-length /usr/share/cups/templates/da/help-trailer.tmpl cups.x86_64: E: zero-length /usr/share/cups/templates/de/help-trailer.tmpl cups.x86_64: E: zero-length /usr/share/cups/templates/es/help-trailer.tmpl cups.x86_64: E: zero-length /usr/share/cups/templates/fr/help-trailer.tmpl cups.x86_64: E: zero-length /usr/share/cups/templates/help-trailer.tmpl cups.x86_64: E: zero-length /usr/share/cups/templates/ja/help-trailer.tmpl cups.x86_64: E: zero-length /usr/share/cups/templates/pt_BR/help-trailer.tmpl cups.x86_64: E: zero-length /usr/share/cups/templates/ru/help-trailer.tmpl cups.x86_64: W: tmpfile-not-in-filelist /run/cups cups.x86_64: W: tmpfile-not-in-filelist /run/cups/certs cups.x86_64: W: tmpfile-not-in-filelist /var/spool/cups/tmp Please add the specified file to your %files section as %ghost so users can easily query who created the file, it gets uninstalled on package removal and finally other rpmlint checks see it. cups.x86_64: E: systemd-service-without-service_del_preun cups.path The package contains a systemd service but doesn't contain a %preun with a call to service_del_preun. cups.x86_64: E: systemd-service-without-service_del_postun cups.path The package contains a systemd service but doesn't contain a %postun with a call to service_del_postun. cups.x86_64: E: systemd-service-without-service_add_pre cups.path The package contains a systemd service but doesn't contain a %pre with a call to service_add_pre. cups.x86_64: E: systemd-service-without-service_add_post cups.path The package contains a systemd service but doesn't contain a %post with a call to service_add_post. cups.spec:126: E: obsolete-suse-version-check 1310 The specfile contains a comparison of %suse_version against a suse release that is no longer in maintenance. Consider removing obsolete parts of your spec file to make it more readable. cups.spec:1897: W: non-break-space line 1897, char 37 The spec file contains a non-break space, which looks like a regular space in some editors but can lead to obscure errors. It should be replaced by a regular space. cups-config.x86_64: E: no-binary The package should be of the noarch architecture because it doesn't contain any binaries. cups.x86_64: W: files-duplicate /etc/cups/cups-files.conf.default /etc/cups/cups-files.conf cups.x86_64: W: files-duplicate /etc/cups/snmp.conf.default /etc/cups/snmp.conf Your package contains duplicated files that are not hard- or symlinks. You should use the %fdupes macro to link the files to one. cups.x86_64: E: devel-file-in-non-devel-package (Badness: 50) /usr/share/cups/ppdc/epson.h cups.x86_64: E: devel-file-in-non-devel-package (Badness: 50) /usr/share/cups/ppdc/hp.h cups.x86_64: E: devel-file-in-non-devel-package (Badness: 50) /usr/share/cups/ppdc/label.h A file that is needed only e.g. when developing or building software is included in a non-devel package. These files should go in devel packages. cups-ddk.x86_64: E: devel-dependency cups-devel Your package has a dependency on a devel package but it's not a devel package itself. cups.x86_64: E: dbus-policy-allow-without-destination /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/cups.conf 'allow' directives must always specify a 'send_destination'. cups.x86_64: W: dbus-policy-allow-receive /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/cups.conf allow receive_* is normally not needed as that is the default. cups.x86_64: W: binary-or-shlib-calls-gethostbyname /usr/sbin/cupsd libcups2.x86_64: W: binary-or-shlib-calls-gethostbyname /usr/lib64/libcups.so.2 The binary calls gethostbyname. Please port the code to use getaddrinfo. Check time report (>1% & >0.1s): Check Duration (in s) Fraction (in %) Checked files BinariesCheck 0.5 32.7 BashismsCheck 0.3 22.4 ExtractRpm 0.2 14.7 SignatureCheck 0.1 7.3 TOTAL 1.4 100.0 8 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 19 errors, 9 warnings, 82 filtered, 166 badness; has taken 1.4 s