libsocialweb-branding-upstream.noarch: W: conflicts-with-provides libsocialweb-branding The same symbolic name is provided and conflicted. This package might be uninstallable, if versioning matches libsocialweb-lang.noarch: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ /usr/share/locale/ca@valencia/LC_MESSAGES/ libsocialweb-branding-upstream.noarch: W: shlib-policy-missing-lib Your package starts with 'lib' as part of its name, but does not provide any libraries. It must not be called a lib-package then. Give it a more sensible name. libsocialweb.armv7hl: W: suse-branding-unversioned-requires libsocialweb-branding Please make sure that your requires entry is similar to: Requires: %name- branding = '. 8 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 4 warnings.