minetest-data.noarch: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/doc/packages/minetest/README.md /usr/share/doc/packages/minetest-data/README.md minetest-data.noarch: W: hidden-file-or-dir /usr/share/minetest/games/devtest/.luacheckrc The file or directory is hidden. You should see if this is normal, and delete it from the package if not. minetest.armv7hl: W: invalid-desktopfile /usr/share/applications/net.minetest.minetest.desktop file contains key "PrefersNonDefaultGPU" in group "Desktop Entry", but keys extending the format should start with "X-" .desktop file is not valid, check with desktop-file-validate minetest-data.noarch: W: no-version-in-last-changelog minetest-lang.noarch: W: no-version-in-last-changelog minetest.armv7hl: W: no-version-in-last-changelog minetest.src: W: no-version-in-last-changelog minetestserver.armv7hl: W: no-version-in-last-changelog The latest changelog entry doesn't contain a version. Please insert the version that is coherent with the version of the package and rebuild it. minetestserver.armv7hl: W: non-standard-gid /var/lib/minetest minetest A file in this package is owned by an unregistered group id. To register the group, please branch the devel:openSUSE:Factory:rpmlint rpmlint package, add the group to the "config" file and send a submitrequest. minetestserver.armv7hl: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/minetest minetest A file in this package is owned by an unregistered user id. To register the user, please branch the devel:openSUSE:Factory:rpmlint rpmlint package, add the user to the "config" file and send a submitrequest. 5 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 10 warnings.