perl-WWW-PAUSE-CleanUpHomeDir.noarch: W: no-dependency-on perl-base 5.26.1 perl-WWW-PAUSE-CleanUpHomeDir.noarch: E: env-script-interpreter (Badness: 9) /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-WWW-PAUSE-CleanUpHomeDir/examples/ /usr/bin/env perl This script uses 'env' as an interpreter. For the rpm runtime dependency detection to work, the shebang #!/usr/bin/env python needs to be patched into #!/usr/bin/python otherwise the package dependency generator merely adds a dependency on /usr/bin/env rather than the actual interpreter /usr/bin/python. Alternatively, if the file should not be executed, then ensure that it is not marked as executable or don't install it in a path that is reserved for executables. perl-WWW-PAUSE-CleanUpHomeDir.noarch: E: summary-not-capitalized (Badness: 20) C the module to clean up old dists from your PAUSE home directory perl-WWW-PAUSE-CleanUpHomeDir.src: E: summary-not-capitalized (Badness: 20) C the module to clean up old dists from your PAUSE home directory Summary doesn't begin with a capital letter. 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 3 errors, 1 warnings.