perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: W: no-dependency-on perl-base 5.26.1 perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_DEPENDENCIES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_DEPENDENCIES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.src: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_DEPENDENCIES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.src: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_DEPENDENCIES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_PREREQUISITES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_PREREQUISITES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_PREREQUISITES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.src: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_PREREQUISITES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.src: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_PREREQUISITES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.src: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_PREREQUISITES perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_PREREQUISITES) perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.src: W: unexpanded-macro %description -l C %XS_PREREQUISITES) This package contains a file whose path contains something that looks like an unexpanded macro; this is often the sign of a misspelling. Please check your specfile. perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: E: devel-file-in-non-devel-package (Badness: 50) /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/aarch64-linux-thread-multi/B/Hooks/OP/Annotation/Install/hook_op_annotation.h A file that is needed only e.g. when developing or building software is included in a non-devel package. These files should go in devel packages. perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.aarch64: E: summary-not-capitalized (Badness: 20) C annotate and delegate hooked OPs perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation.src: E: summary-not-capitalized (Badness: 20) C annotate and delegate hooked OPs Summary doesn't begin with a capital letter. 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 3 errors, 13 warnings.