nm-tray-lang.noarch: W: no-version-in-last-changelog nm-tray.ppc64le: W: no-version-in-last-changelog nm-tray.src: W: no-version-in-last-changelog The latest changelog entry doesn't contain a version. Please insert the version that is coherent with the version of the package and rebuild it. nm-tray.ppc64le: W: standard-dir-owned-by-package /usr/etc This package owns a directory that is part of the standard hierarchy, which can lead to default directory permissions or ownerships being changed to something non-standard. nm-tray.ppc64le: W: suse-filelist-forbidden-fhs23 /usr/etc is not allowed in FHS 2.3 see http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ for a better location 3 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 5 warnings.