munin.noarch: W: htaccess-file /srv/www/htdocs/munin/.htaccess You have individual apache configuration .htaccess file(s) in your package. Replace them by a central configuration file in /etc/, according to the web application packaging policy for your distribution. munin.src:50: W: macro-in-comment %{name} munin.src:50: W: macro-in-comment %{name} munin.src:50: W: macro-in-comment %{version} munin.src:50: W: macro-in-comment %{version} There is a unescaped macro after a shell style comment in the specfile. Macros are expanded everywhere, so check if it can cause a problem in this case and escape the macro with another leading % if appropriate. munin-node.noarch: W: no-version-in-last-changelog munin.noarch: W: no-version-in-last-changelog munin.src: W: no-version-in-last-changelog The latest changelog entry doesn't contain a version. Please insert the version that is coherent with the version of the package and rebuild it. munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /srv/www/htdocs/munin munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /srv/www/htdocs/munin/.htaccess munin munin-node.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/lib/munin munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/lib/munin munin munin-node.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/log/munin munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/log/munin munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/log/munin/munin-graph.log munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/log/munin/munin-html.log munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/log/munin/munin-limits.log munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/log/munin/munin-nagios.log munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-gid /var/log/munin/munin-update.log munin A file in this package is owned by an unregistered group id. To register the group, please branch the devel:openSUSE:Factory:rpmlint rpmlint package, add the group to the "config" file and send a submitrequest. munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /srv/www/htdocs/munin munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /srv/www/htdocs/munin/.htaccess munin munin-node.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/munin munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/munin munin munin-node.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/lib/munin/plugin-state nobody munin-node.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/munin munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/munin munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/munin/munin-graph.log munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/munin/munin-html.log munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/munin/munin-limits.log munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/munin/munin-nagios.log munin munin.noarch: W: non-standard-uid /var/log/munin/munin-update.log munin A file in this package is owned by an unregistered user id. To register the user, please branch the devel:openSUSE:Factory:rpmlint rpmlint package, add the user to the "config" file and send a submitrequest. munin.noarch: W: perl5-naming-policy-not-applied /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Munin munin-node.noarch: W: perl5-naming-policy-not-applied /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/Munin/Common This package doesn't respect the naming policy for perl5 packages. Its name should match the regular expression ^perl(-|$). munin.noarch: W: permissions-dir-without-slash /etc/cron.d the entry in the permissions file refers to a directory. Please contact to append a slash to the entry in order to avoid security problems. Please refer to for more information. munin.noarch: W: permissions-missing-postin missing %set_permissions /etc/cron.d in %post Please add an appropriate %post section munin.noarch: W: permissions-missing-requires missing 'permissions' in PreReq Please add "PreReq: permissions" munin.noarch: W: permissions-missing-verifyscript missing %verify_permissions -e /etc/cron.d Please add a %verifyscript section munin-node.noarch: W: suse-logrotate-user-writable-log-dir /var/log/munin munin:munin 0750 The log directory is writable by unprivileged users. Please fix the permissions so only root can write there or add the 'su' option to your logrotate config 3 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 38 warnings.