gcin-branding-openSUSE.noarch: W: empty-%post gcin-branding-openSUSE.noarch: W: empty-%postun gcin-branding-openSUSE.noarch: W: files-duplicate /usr/share/icons/gcin/gcin-tray.png /usr/share/icons/gcin/gcin_tray.png gcin-branding-openSUSE.src: W: no-%build-section The spec file does not contain a %build section. Even if some packages don't directly need it, section markers may be overridden in rpm's configuration to provide additional "under the hood" functionality, such as injection of automatic -debuginfo subpackages. Add the section, even if empty. gcin-branding-openSUSE.noarch: W: suse-branding-missing-conflicts gcin-branding Any branding flavor package that provides the generic branding must also conflict with all other branding packages via conflict on the generic branding name 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 5 warnings.