lxde-common.noarch: I: -- SLE Conflict -- File: /etc/alternatives/default-xsession.desktop lxde-common.noarch: I: -- SLE Conflict -- File: /usr/share/xsessions/default.desktop Linkto: /etc/alternatives/default-xsession.desktop lxde-common.noarch: I: SUSE_Backports_policy_ignored-SLE_alternatives_conflict gnome-shell-classic: /etc/alternatives/default-xsession.desktop gnome-shell-classic: /usr/share/xsessions/default.desktop gnome-session: /etc/alternatives/default-xsession.desktop gnome-session: /usr/share/xsessions/default.desktop icewm: /etc/alternatives/default-xsession.desktop icewm: /usr/share/xsessions/default.desktop This package conflicts with files provided by SLE via the 'alternatives' system and they are whitelisted to be allowed in the Backports project. lxde-common.noarch: W: desktopfile-without-binary /usr/share/applications/lxde-logout.desktop lxde-logout lxde-common.noarch: W: desktopfile-without-binary /usr/share/applications/lxde-screenlock.desktop lxlock the .desktop file is for a file not present in the package. You should check the requires or see if this is not a error lxde-common.noarch: W: suse-alternative-link-missing /etc/alternatives/default.desktop The file %{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/$(basename generic-name) is missing in the file list. Mark it as %ghost and add it to the file list. lxde-common-branding-upstream.noarch: W: suse-branding-missing-conflicts lxde-common-branding Any branding flavor package that provides the generic branding must also conflict with all other branding packages via conflict on the generic branding name lxde-common.noarch: W: suse-branding-unversioned-requires lxde-common-branding Please make sure that your requires entry is similar to: Requires: %name- branding = '. 3 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 5 warnings.