python3-slimit.noarch: W: python-bytecode-inconsistent-mtime /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/slimit/visitors/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc 2011-05-07T20:32:16 /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/slimit/visitors/ 2023-05-22T10:12:12 python3-slimit.noarch: W: python-bytecode-inconsistent-mtime /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/slimit/visitors/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc 2011-05-07T20:32:16 /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/slimit/visitors/ 2023-05-22T10:12:12 The timestamp embedded in this python bytecode file isn't equal to the mtime of the original source file, which will force the interpreter to recompile the .py source every time, ignoring the saved bytecode. python-slimit.src: W: tag-in-description C Provides: Something that looks like a tag was found in the package's description. This may indicate a problem where the tag was not actually parsed as a tag but just textual description content, thus being a no-op. Verify if this is the case, and move the tag to a place in the specfile where %description won't fool the specfile parser, and rebuild the package. 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 3 warnings.