============================ rpmlint session starts ============================ rpmlint: 2.5.0 configuration: /opt/testing/lib/python3.11/rpmlint/configdefaults.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/cron-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/dbus-services.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/device-files-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/licenses.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/opensuse.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/pam-modules.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/permissions-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/pie-executables.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/polkit-rules-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/scoring.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/security.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/sudoers-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/sysctl-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/systemd-tmpfiles.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/users-groups.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/world-writable-whitelist.toml /opt/testing/share/rpmlint/zypper-plugins.toml /etc/xdg/rpmlint/scoring-strict.override.toml checks: 41, packages: 10 python3-presage.i586: E: python-egg-info-distutils-style /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/python_presage-0.9.1-py3.11.egg-info python3-pyprompter.noarch: E: python-egg-info-distutils-style /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyprompter-0.9.1-py3.11.egg-info The Python package's egg-info is a distutils style file. Please update to dist-info standardized core metadata. presage.i586: W: package-with-huge-docs 59% More than half the size of your package is documentation. Consider splitting it into a -doc subpackage. python3-dbus-presage.i586: E: non-executable-script /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/presage_dbus_service.py 644 /usr/bin/python3 python3-presagemate.noarch: E: non-executable-script /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/presagemate/presagemate.py 644 /usr/bin/python3 This text file contains a shebang or is located in a path dedicated for executables, but lacks the executable bits and cannot thus be executed. If the file is meant to be an executable script, add the executable bits, otherwise remove the shebang or move the file elsewhere. libpresage-devel.i586: E: no-binary presage-data.i586: E: no-binary python3-dbus-presage.i586: E: no-binary The package should be of the noarch architecture because it doesn't contain any binaries. presage.spec: W: no-%check-section The spec file does not contain an %check section. Even if some packages don't directly need it, section markers may be overridden in rpm's configuration to provide additional 'under the hood' functionality. Add the section, even if empty. presage.spec:304: W: macro-in-comment %{python3_sitelib} presage.spec:316: W: macro-in-comment %exclude presage.spec:316: W: macro-in-comment %{_datadir} There is a unescaped macro after a shell style comment in the specfile. Macros are expanded everywhere, so check if it can cause a problem in this case and escape the macro with another leading % if appropriate. python3-presagemate.noarch: E: explicit-lib-dependency python3-xlib You must let rpm find the library dependencies by itself. Do not put unneeded explicit Requires: tags. Check time report (>1% & >0.1s): Check Duration (in s) Fraction (in %) Checked files ExtractRpm 0.6 50.1 BinariesCheck 0.2 20.8 SignatureCheck 0.2 14.1 TOTAL 1.2 100.0 10 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 8 errors, 5 warnings, 29 filtered, 8 badness; has taken 1.2 s