============================ rpmlint session starts ============================
rpmlint: 2.6.1
checks: 41, packages: 2

wcm.spec:30: W: suse-update-desktop-file-deprecated %suse_update_desktop_file is deprecated
The usage of %suse_update_desktop_file is deprecated and changes should be
migrated to the upstream. Please check the build log for details.

wcm.x86_64: E: invalid-desktopfile /usr/share/applications/wayfire-config-manager.desktop value "Settings;DestkopSettings;Utility;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains an unregistered value "DestkopSettings"; values extending the format should start with "X-"
The .desktop file is not valid, check with desktop-file-validate

Check time report (>1% & >0.1s):
    Check                            Duration (in s)   Fraction (in %)  Checked files
    TOTAL                                        0.1             100.0               

 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 1 errors, 1 warnings, 7 filtered, 1 badness; has taken 0.2 s